The Friday before Halloween our ward had a trunk or treat and I was trying to get my girls ready, as well as the chili, cornbread, cookies, and frosting. So getting the girls ready was going well, Sadie loved getting her hair done and anytime she can wear makeup she is thrilled. So no I was onto Zoe. My idea of getting Zoe ready for the night as a beauty queen and her idea were totally different. I wanted her hair up, makeup on, frilly dress, jewelry, you know the works. Well she wanted only lip gloss, hair down, plain dress and no jewelry. We fought so much and finally I told her to get ready herself and so she did, very reluctantly. I thought I might go insane before we made it there that night. When we got there and I saw Dave I pulled one of those, "She is yours for the night, have her stay away from me". Am I the only one who has muttered these words under her breathe? I hope not!!! :) So why am I telling you this? Well these pictures are on Halloween night, after her father suggested the same things I had. SERIOUSLY, her and I are going to have some more mother/daughter precious moments in the future, I just know it!!!! We had a fabulous time walking around with the Hutchings and met up with 1/2 of the Carpenters later. My kids got way too much candy and I am trying to convince them that we need to share it with children in the world who don't have any!!!
Zoe-7 , Sadie-4
Sadie lost her vocals here! Dave told Zoe to hold her hands this way, what beauty pageant show is he watching!