Sadie Mae Linderholm turned five on November 3, 2009. I am in utter unbelief that she is no longer a baby. I just can't believe she is 5, in kindergarten, and boy crazy!!! We woke up that morning and had her choice of breakfast(pancakes and eggs). Then opened a few presents(this white board was on the counter already). She opened up a new Hannah Montana scarf, picked out her favorite jeans, insisted that today she got to wear all her hair down, and then she was off to school. At school they called her name over the intercom and then she got a crown to wear. She told me she wore it all day and loved it. At the end of the day I was able to go in and take some cookies to share and her class sang to her. She was beaming and it was so fun to see her with all her friends.
She is obsessed with school and this white board made her day. She goes to school all day and then comes home and plays school. She loves white boards and dry erase markers and really anything that Mrs. Alisa uses!
Her new scarf and b-day pin she wore to school.
This is her crown she wore all day and all night, it was really tall.
Gum ball machine from the dollar store, good find dad and Zoe.
She sure loved to open presents and was sad it ended so soon!!!
Sadie in her class at school showing off her cookies I brought in.
Mrs. Alisa let her choose one at a time to come get a cookie and of course she picked a boy first. His name is Cade and she talks about him all the time, David and I are in so much trouble with her!!!

- she always tells me how much she loves me
- she has such a cute laugh
- she can dance and loves music
- she gives super hard, almost painful hugs
- she says the cutest prayers
- she loves babies
- she prays for a baby for mom
- she forgives so freely
- she always holds my hand
- she is tough
- she tells me, "sure I'd be happy to mom"
- she loves to go shopping
- she sings primary songs so beautifully
- she makes me want to be better, do better, and love better