We have fabulous friends and we feel so happy to have so many good people in our lives. Laura had been talking about a camping trip for sometime after the Grand Canyon or Bust blog was over. Not many girls wanted to got solo, so she invited the men. Thank you Laura for being the master planner behind this and so many other great events!!! She picked a date and sent it out inviting whoever could come. The Judd's, Carpenter's and Atkinson's went up on Thursday night, and us and the Garrett's came up on Friday. WE all came home on Saturday evening. We had so much fun being in the canyon. I grew up in Flag and went to the canyon as a child, but had not been back in years. I love it and want to go back and stay longer. I also need to take my girls, they have never been. We hiked a bit, the boys played baseball and the girls played a mellow game of cards, horsehoes, and eating!!!! It was so fun and I had a blast even if I got cheated playing cards, seriously I was NEVER president!! Love you all:)
Stephanie, Laura, me, Neely, and Sarah
Jimmy and Rob (two of the funniest men ever)!
Austyn and David
Good swing Dave!!
I need to make sure my bat is perfect for the next one!
Jimmy being Jimmy (he jumped up and Sarah got a cool
picture with no feet on the ground)

picture with no feet on the ground)